" The Greatest Fast tea pot and brewery ever!!!"
I use this tea kettle as soon as it arrives today. This kettle has power and it comes to strong!!! Boil!!! in 4 minutes. Do not fill past the max line and walk away. You will have a wonderful hit beverage in 3min maybe 2min and I meant it. I filled it to the max line and took my eye off of it for 1 min and it came to a rolling boil up past the top of the pot. You can make something like soup in this on no time. O have owned many of tea pots and coffee pots but never had one elector that can out top the stove. I started to buy a more expensive teapot from Amazon but ladies and gentleman this is it for $20.00 and the blue light is beautiful. For get those other fancy smancy pots with extra buttons because this will do the trick. I also purchased the triple stain less steel tea infuser to insert in your cup or pot and this will make a huge pot in 3 min. Company won't even get to put the condiments in the tea cup or coffee cup fast enough because it will be ready. Enjoy your pot of you have one if not get it. Of not anything you can use it to boil your water to take out any impurities of you don't have water filtering it will kill everything. Be Blessed. I don't usually write reviews but I had to this time.